Drive Neutrality for Police Dogs

Suppose you roll up on a scene—perhaps there’s been a robbery or a violent domestic—with a fleeing, unsearched felony subject, and as the K9 unit, you are being called in with your dual- purpose dog to perform a track for this felony suspect. As you arrive, people are...

A Simple Lure- Reward Training System

Training a dog to do any task requires a system by which we can apply both the consequences of reinforcement and punishment (operant conditioning) and proper associations (classical conditioning). These concepts must be put into a simple and effective training program...

Training With the Automatic Door Release

Many K9 patrol vehicles are outfitted with an automatic door release. The door release is controlled by a button on the K9 officer’s duty belt, and if an emergency situation arises, or the officer needs to have his dog come to his aid, or just come to him for a...

Cold Starts and Searching Part 2

Police K9 Magazine In part 1 of this two part series of articles we discussed proofing the “alert” and suspect encounters in the building search as well as area searches. We discussed issues related to finding the subject out in the open vs. in hiding and many...